pear tree log: I started this blog to keep my younger son, Jonny, in touch with life in Lincolnshire, while he spent a year working in China. That year turned into five! Now he is home and training to become a physics teacher. This is simply a patchwork quilt of some of the things I enjoy - life in rural Lincolnshire, our animals, friends, architecture, books, the gardens, and things of passing interest.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


As the day has progressed, the wind has increased.  It is beautifully sunny, but the wind is wild - not that I have felt any of it.

I have been happily occupied reading and sewing, but every time I look up one or other of the dogs gives a sigh ...

I am still confined to indoors because of my wretched toe; George has not found the time to get down (from the top shelf of the dressing room) the one pair of shoes which I think may fit me, despite my taped toes.

This could be a deliberate ploy, he knows how impatient I am to get moving again.

So I have been confined to quarters.  All day long I have been made to feel guilty by two pairs of brown eyes -  Pip and Toby.  Pip is disappointed that I have not taken her to the wood so that she can take the opportunity to steal some food from the hens, Toby wants his normal walks.

George has walked them, but as far as they are concerned that is an optional extra.  Only the walks that I take with them are counted.

Sorry dogs, I just can't do it - especially without shoes!

Your Dad has been busy working on the headers for the patio wall - photos will follow when I am able.  It is looking really neat though, Jonny.

George very kindly took a photograph of some beautiful mushrooms which have grown
can you guess which part of the garden this is Jonny?  Goodness knows what type they are, but we won't be making mushroom omelettes from them.  Aren't they beautiful though?

This is what we are actually having for tea
I plan to roast them, along with some garlic, black pepper and olive oil,when they are almost done I will sprinkle them  with grated cheese and put them back into the oven, along with some home-made garlic bread and we will have a feast.  

It was wonderful having such a long chat with you this afternoon Jonny.  You were looking really well.

Lots of love



  1. well I feel as though we are kindred spirits (broken digits!!! how rare is that?)

    how did you find me?

    nice to see you anyhow... now put that foot up!

  2. Hi John Gray, I think I found you via ted and bunny, but I could be mistaken as I have read more blogs than normal over the last couple of days! The coincidence of the injured foot made me chuckle, so I read on..

    I have finally been given my shoes so have been able to shuffle around outside - life is improving - just ask Toby & Pip.



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